Friday 12 February 2010

Hi Samson,

Please get in contact to let me know what is happening with your Thriller Evaluation. If you are having trouble converting and uploading to the blog please send me the Powerpoint file via email to This will at least let me know that you have done the work.



Wednesday 27 January 2010

Wednesday 13 January 2010

Thursday 3 December 2009

Locations, mise-en-scen

Locations, mise-en-scen

In thrillers location and set design are a crucial part of the film as it can add or take away from the naturalism of the thriller.
In our piece we are going to try and use location and set design that will enhance our piece and make it more real and entertaining to watch.

When filming Rebecca being followed we will have walking in a dark light street which is quite deserted, the alley way she then turns down is long and thin and very dark light, this will help build the atmosphere and suspension of the piece.
When filming Ollie eating chinese, we want the house to be quite cosy and ordinary so the audience will be able to relate to him, we want him to be eating chinese and watching tv just so the audience can see that this and be able to empathize with it, making it more naturalistic and real when will then make our thriller more chilling

Our target audience

Our target audience is quite varied and our film could appeal to different audiences, such as teenagers and adults because our plot consists of someone who is in their early 20s so it could appeal to the older generation and the younger generation. it is quite complex so i would say some one in their early teens would find it too complicated.
However someone 15 and above would be the right target audience.
Our film has the right amount of complexity and fun that it is sure to grip any audience