Sunday 15 November 2009

Intro to prelim task

For our preliminary task we had to create a video which had continuity (for example if we had a shot of someone knocking on a door, the next shoot couldn't then just be them in the room, it'd have to be them opening the door) and that also included

- match on match action

- shot-reverse-shot

- the 180 degree rule.

We went through a range of ideas but decided on a video about an "obese" man who finds out that he is actually pregnant. To make sure our piece was still interesting and not a total joke we made sure that we included shots that would add to the intensity of this situation.

*Low angle shot from the floor (Jake steps over the camera, wobble affect)

*Long shot from side-on (show him walking towards the door)

*Ped, to slowly reveal Jake (ending in a close up of him eating)*Point-of-view shot (him knocking on the door)

*Medium shot (Samson turning, 'come in')

*Close up (of Jake opening the door, hand on handle)

*Over-the-shoulder shot (from Samson, looking at door opening and Jake entering)

*Two shot of the desk (Samson is in shot, Jake walks into frame and sits down)

*Switch between over-the-shoulder shots of both characters (dialogue)

*Close up (Jake's reaction the the news)*Extreme Close up (Jake's darting eyes)

We had some trouble getting the setting right of our prelim task, for example making our setting look like a doctors office and not a computer room in the Brit school, and editing our piece also seemed to have problems.

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